From the recording When I Got A Cold (Seven Four)

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© 2015 Lynnea Malley

non-music nerds might not like this bc it's in 7/4
but music nerds might like this bc it's in 7/4.
if u listen i will kiss you on the face (?)


A couple weeks back I thought
“tonight will be the big one”
I sang and it felt sublime

when I listened back I lost
it so I went for a run
and I cried for the whole time

I wanted to cherish the
time I had off but instead
I just wallowed around

I wanted to share in the
holiday song but my head
was too stuck in the ground

A couple weeks back I thought
“maybe this will be alright”
I don’t know how to behave

see, often my best is not
enough to last past the night
nor am I always so brave

I wanted to cherish the
time I had off but instead
I just wallowed around

I wanted to share in the
holiday song but my head
Was too stuck in the ground

Maybe I need you or may
be you need me maybe we
could use one another, then?

I don’t believe you I don’t
believe me maybe we con-
fuse one another then

Somehow I always wanna
sing the most
when I got a cold

Somehow I always wanna
sing the most
when I got a cold

Maybe I need you or may-
be you need me maybe we
could use one another, then?

I don’t believe you I don’t
believe me maybe we con-
fuse one another then